Vector image of cotton swabs by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay , dog image by prabha karan from Pixabay , and Gin Lee Keeping Your Pet's Ears Clean Hey there pet owners! Today we're going to talk about how to keep your furry friend's ears nice and clean. It's important to take care of your pet's ears to prevent any infections or discomfort. Here are some easy steps to follow: Gather Your Supplies First things first, you'll need some supplies to clean your pet's ears. Grab some cotton balls or pads, ear cleaning solution (make sure it's safe for pets), and maybe some treats to reward your pet for being a good sport. Be Gentle When cleaning your pet's ears, it's important to be gentle. Your pet's ears are sensitive, so you don't want to hurt them. Use a soft touch and go slowly to make sure you're not causing any discomfort. Step 1: Check for Redness or Odor Before you start cleaning, take a look inside your pet's ears. If you n...